You know you've made it when you have random prisoners writing you letters! Yes, Tina received one at the office today. It's been a longstanding joke around here, people getting letters from prisoners, thanks to a former sales girl who got a letter from an inmate at a correctional facility in the Virginia mountains about a year ago. Tina's came from a lot closer to home, Lawrenceville Correctional.
Apparently, Calvin has been "incarcerated" for 33 years and needs a home when he gets paroled, since his parents died while he was in prison. Notice how inmates never tell you what they were "incarcerated" for! They also always use the word "incarcerated."
I'm all for second chances, but in this day and age, you can't be too careful. Besides, Tina's fiancee already works at a nearby prison, so she's already got her inmate!
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