McCain Blogette: Whatever your political leanings, you should check out this website. It's from Meghan McCain (John McCain's daughter.) As someone who lost her father and misses him terribly, I find this website refreshing in its candor of a daughter's love. It's unaffected and genuine. Plus I love all the photos of life on the campaign trail.
(See live updated link at right.)
Password Wallet: I've been trying for years to come up with the best way to store passwords. First, I used an Excel spreadsheet. Easy to put them in, not so easy to search for the one you're looking for and get it out. Then I created my own little database in FileMaker Pro. That worked for a long time and it was easy to search for what you wanted. Then, when I bought a new laptop, I suddenly had two sets of passwords (one on the desktop, one on the laptop, and possibly a third at work) to combine. It was tedious trying to manually sync up the machines. Well, Password Wallet does all that for you. It easily stores everything, has a place for notes (I usually put in the date I created my passwords), it will help generate them, and the feature I love best, it will sync up with another Wallet file so they are both the same! One master password is all you need to get in the program. And, it's shareware. A mere $20 for all that!
How to Choose an Online College
1 day ago