Why am I continiously and utterly surprised by the inconsiderate-ness of people in general? I should be used to this by now. Apparently a lot of people were raised in caves and have never seen doors before, because they sure don't know how to use them when they get out in public at, say, a hotel. Don't most people know not to go slamming doors at 9 am? And at a hotel, ya know, these fancy-ass doors, they close by themselves, so all it takes to stop one from slamming is to stick your hand out for, like, 2 seconds. OMG! In and out, in and out. What are people doing? Checking the hallway to make sure it's clear? Of what? Running from room to room of everyone who came from work to their conference? They must all work in cubicles too, since they've never used doors before. Or it could just be that by the time they walk the 10 miles from the lobby down the longest freakin' corridor I've ever seen (and I've followed a rock band around, seen lotsa hotels) they were so damn tired, they forgot all about proper public decorum.
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