Well, not a paying one, anyway. You really get a lot done around the house when you've been laid off. Things like sweeping the pine pollen off the porches, spraying the deck with bug spray to keep the spiders away, killing bumble bees that dive-bomb you when you're coming to the door. Tomorrow, I'm thinking, dye my roots (ha, I never said I was a natural blonde) and spray the driveway with weed killer?! Oooh fun! Oh, and send out a few resumes. I seriously need a road trip! Anybody want to go camping?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
No job yet.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Consider me unemployed.
I got laid off. It sucks big time. I actually pretty much liked that job. I was totally blind-sided on this one. Didn't see it coming. They'd save way more money if they got rid of certain publishers that can't even update the online calendar as to what is printing when. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! If you can even figure out a computer and Google enough to even FIND this blog! ha! Consider me unemployed.
Oh, but I'm not bitter.
Perhaps I can become a published author now that I have time to write. And edit. And fool around on Facebook.